Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Make Money With Twitter Using Sponsored Tweets and Sponsored Facebook post

You can start earning money with your Twitter or Facebook account here https://payperpost.com/r14bt
But first read below:
People who work online knows there are unlimited ways of making online money.  Specially, when we spend time on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, most of the people call it a time waster, but honestly it’s a large chunk of money you are sitting in. In this post, I’m going to talk about you can make money using Twitter.  Before, I move ahead with this, there are certain things which you should know:
  • You need to have a professional profile
  • Profile with complete details
  • Have decent/good number of followers
  • Your followers should be real human and not bots.
So by now, I assume you have a decent Twitter profile with decent no. of followers and you are all set to start making money from twitter. Here is a web service call Sponsored tweets which is from a reputed brand call Izea innovation. The idea behind Sponsored tweets is simple, it’s a market place where advertisers can buy tweets from your Twitter account. In simple word, if you have a Twitter account and you enrolled for Sponsored tweets program, you can set a price/tweet which will be an ad tweet like:
Check out 101 ways to build free backlinks http://xx.com #ad
And if advertiser finds your site interesting, he can buy tweets from your profile. Personally, it’s one of the unique concept at this time and it’s working great for people with good twitter profile and followers.
SponsoredTweets is a money making program for Twitter users, who can easily get paid by tweeting a single tweet. You can get paid anything between , 1-500$ for single tweets. You can set your own price for Your tweets.
The most common concern right now must be is privacy and control. Any ad tweet via sponsored tweet will go live from your Twitter account only after your approval. Also, every such tweets will have hash tag #ad or #sponsored which will help your followers to distinguish between a normal tweet and a sponsored tweet.
Personally, I don’t see any harm in using your twitter profile as an ad platform until you Tweeting about any such service which is relevant. As I mentioned above, to make most out of sponsored tweets program, you need to have a strong Twitter profile and don’t forget to complete your profile on Sponsored tweet website.
Payment mode for sponsored tweets is Paypal and minimum Payout is $50. You can avoid the hassle of Email sign up and login directly using your twitter account. Once you have authorize your Twitter account to access Sponsored tweets program. Also to avoid spam twitter account, they made couple of rules for payout and they are:
  • Twitter account should be 60 days old and should be active.
  • Should have 50 followers and 100 status updates.
  • Minimum withdraw amount is $50.
The way I see, any normal Twitter user who is active on twitter fulfill all the criteria. These rules are useful for advertisers to lose their money on spam twitter account.
The idea behind is Twitter is one best way to make anything viral, and using this service I don’t see any harm. Since you have full control over accepting and rejecting ads. In case, if you are not in mood to make money by tweeting ads, you can also use their referral system to make money.

Now, one of the common problem faced by small publishers is lack of advertisers but here you can look for open opportunities and apply for it, chances of getting approval is fast as suggested offers are shown based on your Twitter profile value.
If you have a twitter account and you are thinking of a way to make money, sponsored tweets is a nice place to start with. You can simply sign up, set your /tweet price and set to be notified via Email or DM, and you never know when you get an offer that you can’t refuse. An alternative program is Buysellads Sponsored tweet program but unlike Sponsored tweets, it’s not a dedicated Make money twitter program but if you are already using BuySellAds on your blog to show ads, you might like to enroll for their sponsored tweets program.
You can start earning money with your Twitter or Facebook account here https://payperpost.com/r14bt

Divorced man hunts down his friends who had commented ‘Made for each other’ on his Facebook marriage pics

Mumbai: A man who recently divorced his wife was arrested by investigative agencies for serial killing spree. The murderer is said to have taken down his own friends who had commented ‘Made for each other’ on his marriage photos posted on the social networking site Facebook.
Talking about the serial killing investigation, CID officer Raman, said, “We were investigating about the death of five people aged 26 in different areas of Mumbai and Pune. When we were researching about their history, we found out that the five of them studied in the same college. We started to trace their batch mates to find out about their college rivalries, which we suspected as behind their murders. We clubbed seperate teams which were investigating those murders and formed single team which went through all of the batchmates activities in the past weeks and interrogated few suspects who were last seen with the killed friends. One such batchmate, broke down and confessed of the crime.”
Ashok killed his friends who had commented similar to the Facebook users in this sample pic
Ashok killed his friends who had commented similar to the Facebook users in this sample pic
“Not only that, the murderer Ashok had planned to kill 12 more people of both genders in the forthcoming weeks. Further grilling revealed shocking intention behind his killing. Ashok was married to his longtime lover Rashmi three years back. They married straight after graduating from college. But within few months into his marriage, bitterness crept between them and they got seperated. Just two months back, Rashmi got divorced from Ashok with a hefty maintenance amount. It was then he was going through his Facebook marriage photos before deleting them, he found few comments like ‘Made for Each other’, ‘Match made in heaven’ from his friends. His rage knew no bounds when he saw those comments,” continued another officer Shekar.
Shekar then explained the modus operandi of the serial murders. He said, “Ashok tracked down his friends who commented ‘Made for Each Other’ style comments and took them to lonely spot. He himself confessed that he showed each of them the printout of his Facebook marriage photos with comments before killing them by shooting with his father’s gun. His father, being a retired army office, has a licensed gun at home. Ashok had revealed that he had planned to shoot all of them who had commented in his marriage photos. During interrogation, Ashok asked me a shocking question ‘How can people know that a couple are made for each other even before they start their married life?’ His crime was barbaric, but his question startled me. I have planned to do special torture investigation of all of those uncles who said ‘Made for each other’ during my marriage twenty years ago.”


Married man leaves bag with sex tape of mistress and sex toys on bus

It has to be a lesson about keeping your eye on your valuables when riding on public transport when a man left a raunchy tape of his recorded romps with his mistress on a tape, along with a bag of sex toys.
The man who is married was on a bus in Scarborough and he inadvertently left his bag then he had the difficult task of calling the lost property department of East Yorkshire Motor Services to plea with them not to send it to his home but give it back before his wife found out he was playing away.
The bag aroused the suspicions of the bus driver who suspected that there might be something on the video that, to say the least, would be interesting as it was lying next to a bag of sex toys. The outcome was that the district manager of the bus company took the call from the very embarrassed man. He pleaded with Chris Agar the manager to call on his mobile and not home phone. He then had to explain that the woman on the video was not his wife, but his mistress!
Mr Agar commented that normally people leave ordinary things such as bus passes, wallets, mobile phones, and of course the usual crop of umbrellas, but this bag raised a few eyebrows. Apparently neither the man in question nor his girlfriend turned up for the bag, they sent someone round to collect it.
The incident was revealed yesterday as part of an appeal to encourage customers to look after their possessions while using public transport

चीनी सेना ने की भारत के युद्धक टैंक ‘अर्जुन’ की तारीफ

युद्धक टैंक अर्जुन, चीन, चीनी सेना, पीएलए, China, Arjun Tank, Chinese Praises Arjun Tank, PLA, China News

भारत के स्वदेश निर्मित मुख्य युद्धक टैंक ‘अर्जुन’ की चीनी सेना के एक शीर्ष अधिकारी ने सराहना करते हुए इसे भारतीय परिस्थितियों में बहुत अच्छा बताया। वहीं, पीएलए ने पहली बार अपने व्यापक आधुनिकीरण की झलक दिखाने को लेकर भारतीय मीडिया के लिए अपने संस्थानों को खोला है।
बेहतर हुए सैन्य संबंध का संकेत देते हुए पीपुल्स लिबरेशन आर्मी (पीएलए) ने आंगतुक भारतीय पत्रकारों की एक टीम के लिए मुख्य सैन्य संस्थान…एकेडमी ऑफ आरर्मर्ड फोर्सेज इंजीनयरिंग के दरवाजे खोल दिए हैं, जो सालाना 6,000 कैडेट को प्रशिक्षण देता है।
रक्षा अनुसंधान एवं विकास संगठन (डीआरडीओ) द्वारा विकसित युद्धक टैंक अर्जुन के बारे में पूछे जाने पर वरिष्ठ कर्नल लियू देगांग ने कहा कि यह बहुत अच्छा है और भारतीय परिस्थितियों के लिए उपयुक्त है। वह एकेडमी के उप कमांडर हैं। एकेडमी भारत के युद्ध साजो सामान पर करीबी नजर रखती है।
अर्जुन तीसरी पीढ़ी का मुख्य युद्धक टैंक है जिसे सेना के लिए डीआरडीओ ने विकसित किया है। यह एक एमटीयू मल्टी फ्यूल डीजल इंजन से चलता है और 67 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा की अधिकतम रफ्तार हासिल कर सकता है।
एकेडमी टैंक और बख्तरबंद वाहनों के प्रशिक्षण देने में विशेषज्ञता रखती है। यह पीएलए के अधिकारियों को बख्तरबंद यांत्रिक शक्तियों के बारे में डिप्लोमा देने वाले 16 संस्थानों में शामिल है।
यह पीएलए के कैडेट को प्रशिक्षण देने के अलावा खासतौर पर विभिन्न दक्षिण एशियाई देशों और विदेशी कैडेट को भी प्रशिक्षण मुहैया करता है।
गौरतलब है कि 23 लाख की क्षमता वाली दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी सेना पीएलए ने पिछले कुछ साल में व्यापक सैन्य आधुनिकीकरण शुरू किया है।
इसका सालाना रक्षा बजट 145 अरब डॉलर का है जो सिर्फ अमेरिका से कम है। चीनी सेना स्वदेशी वायुयान, विमान वाहक पोत, मिसाइल और जमीनी हथियार प्रणालियां विकसित करने पर अधिक ध्यान दे रहा है।